Behind The Glow


Elizabeth- Founder Of  Coronado Glow® &  Your Coronado Glow® Pro

Born and raised in California, I was no stranger to the sun and the sought after glow of a tan.  As some of you may or may not know, I was diagnosed with Melanoma after many many many years of laying in tanning beds and in the sun without proper sunscreen - Baby Oil was my go to back in the day. Once I was diagnosed and treated, I set out to find the best tanning alternative to give me a beautiful glow that I desired year round. I am a California Girl and I love being tanned. 

I was beyond excited when I was introduced to spray tanning. I was lucky to have one of the best in the business spray tanning me. She taught me everything there is to know about spray tanning and showed me what to do, when and how. When I moved to Coronado, I was missing my tan and ALMOST fell back into some bad tanning habits - thankfully I didn't. I chose to remain pale until I could find a place to spray tan me that gave me the results I was accustomed to. Unfortunately, I didn't find such a place. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of spray tanning services being offered near me, BUT they didn't offer the spray tan I WANTED. 

Instead of paying for a service that didn't produce the results I wanted, I decided to just spray tan myself! This all started in my garage. Me, a spray tan airbrush machine, lots of twisting and bending - I am sure you get the picture.  I decided to give a few of my friends a spray tan as well and they were in LOVE!  I wasn't sure if anyone else loved spray tans as much as I did, but, I decided to give it a shot and opened Coronado Glow®.

I am honored to be a highly sought after spray tan specialist and known as the Glow Pro in my area with clients from all over the globe!  I pride myself in taking my time during your appointment and providing a perfect, natural looking tan without exception. 

I hope to see you soon!

Your Coronado Glow® Pro,


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Mobile Service Available in Coronado and Throughout San Diego County!

(650) 288-8778

By Appointment Only

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